Asymptotic solutions for nonlinear equations of gas dynamics, describing smoothed discontinuities Лекция Партнёр:ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Предмет:Математика Лектор:Анна Аллилуева | Anna Allilueva Курс лекций: Birman conference Дата записи:26.06.21 Дата публикации:02.07.21 Embedded video for Asymptotic solutions for nonlinear equations of gas dynamics, describing smoothed discontinuities Код для блога: Другие лекции курса18 Semiclassical eigenvalues for the Schr ̈odinger operators on surfaces with conic points and with δ-potentials ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Андрей Шафаревич | Andrei Shafarevich Spectral properties of ordinary differential operators generated by a first order system ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Андрей Шкаликов | Andrey Shkalikov On bifurcations of internal thresholds in essential spectrum under small non-symmetric perturbations ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Денис Борисов | Denis Borisov Mixed norm spaces of analytic functions as spaces of generalized fractional derivatives of functions in Hardy type spaces ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Алексей Карапетянц | Alexey Karapetyants 38 Spectral properties of a singular string equation: continuous spectrum and eigenvalues ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Игорь А. Шейпак | Igor A. Sheipak Homogenization of Steklov sieve ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Андрей Пятницкий | Andrey Piatnitski Homogenization of the periodic Schrodinger-type equations ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Татьяна Суслина | Tatiana Suslina Threshold resonances and virtual levels in the spectrum of periodic waveguides ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Сергей Назаров | Sergei Nazarov Uniform asymptotics for families of degenerating variational problems and applications to error estimates in homogenization ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Валерий Смышляев | Valery Smyshlyaev On homogenization for locally periodic elliptic problems on a domain | Курс: Birman conference ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Никита Н. Сеник | Nikita N. Senik On the rate of decrease at infinity of solutions to a Schrodinger equation in a half-cylinder ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Николай Филонов | Nikolai Filonov 2 Ballistic transport for one-dimensional quasiperiodic Schrodinger operators ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Илья Качковский | Ilya Kachkovskiy Ground state for nonlocal Schrodinger operator and spatially inhomogeneous contact models ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Елена Жижина | Elena Zhizhina The structure of the Dirichlet–Laplacian spectrum in the Fichera layers and crosses of arbitrary dimension ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Александр Назаров | Alexander Nazarov 14 Virtual levels of operators in Banach spaces and application to Schrodinger operators ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Андрей Комеч | Andrew Comech Spectral asymptotics for a fourth-order differential operator with multipoint boundary conditions ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Дмитрий Поляков | Dmitry Polyakov On multiplicity properties of higher eigenvalues of the p-Laplacian ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Владимир Бобков | Vladimir Bobkov Asymptotics in the form of special functions of eigenfunctions of the operator ∇D(x)∇ defined in a two-dimensional domain and degenerating on its boundary ПОМИ РАН им. Стеклова Анна Цветкова | Anna Tsvetkova